
Men’s Fellowship 

Men’s Fellowship meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of each month – this month on Wednesday,  February 19 at  8:00 am  at Flip’s Pancake House  in Moline ALL MEN are welcome to attend for fellowship and breakfast!

United Women In Faith (UWF)

NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, February 12, 2:00pm in Wesley Hall.  All women invited!

Last chance for chocolate pecans, 14 oz., $16.00.  See Mary Ann Harvey.

Bethel Wesley UWF collects food for the food pantry on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please bring at least one non-perishable item to donate. You can drop off items any time by placing them in  the cart located in the Activity Center or the cart in the hallway near the pastor’s office.

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ALL WOMEN are welcome to participate in United Women In Faith!

Bethel Wesley UW in Faith  unit participates in District  educational programs including workshops and a book-reading program, and supports a variety of mission projects including Cunningham Children’s Home (Urbana IL) and Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House (East St. Louis IL).

We also serve as prayer partners and visitors for shut-ins, and we provide meals following funerals. We plan  fund-raising activities to support our mission work, including an annual  Christmas Cookie Walk.

Worship Arts

The Prayz Band and Chancel Choir lead the music and provide special music for Sunday Morning worship.  Singers and musicians, including drummers and guitar players, participate.

The Hand Bell Choir provides special music throughout the year.

Bethel Wesley UMC