Prayer Requests
We will be happy to pray for you. Send your prayer requests to: Please indicate if you would like your prayer request to be shared with the prayer group, or with the pastor only. Blessings! “For where two or three are gathered together in name, I will be there in the midst of them.”
-Matthew 18:20
If You Are Hospitalized
If you or a family member are hospitalized, please let Pastor Stan or our Parish Nurse, Kara Ade know. Due to patient confidentiality laws, the hospital will not notify the church unless authorized by the patient or patient’s family.
When you check into the hospital, let them know that your church is Bethel Wesley UMC and/or have a friend or family member call the church to inform us.
Also, if you know someone who is home-bound and needs a visit, please let us know and we will make sure that your (or they) are visited.
Ministries and Mission Projects
We are committed to sharing the love of Christ by reaching out to the community, both locally and around the world. If you want to serve others, here are some of the many activities coordinated by the missions committees in which you can become involved.
PANCAKES –Sunday morning Pancake Breakfasts (held monthly) support Liberian children and the John Kofi Asmah School and Harriet Bailey UM School.
ANGEL CHILD PROGRAM – At Christmas we support local children through this project.
FOOD BASKETS – At Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas we provide food baskets to families in-need.
EASTER OFFERING – Each Easter we collect a Special Offering to support the local and global ministries of the United Methodist Church.
FOOD PANTRY – Bethel Wesley supports the local food pantry. Bring your donation to church any time during the week or on Sunday morning, and place in the donation cart. We have two donation carts: one in the Activity Center (near the kitchen), and the other in the narthex (near the office).
KING’S HARVEST MEAL SITE – We prepare sandwiches and desserts for King’s Harvest once a week (December-April).
ZION MEAL SITE – We provide a meal at the Mt. Zion site monthly (February, March, September October). The food is lovingly provided and served by the Church and Society Committee members and various other BW volunteer groups.
ASSISTANCE – We have a Share The Care program through which Bethel Wesley members create and coordinate care services (e.g. visits, shopping, cleaning) for members who are in-need
King’s Harvest Ministry
As part of our ministries to King’s Harvest, we have been privileged to meet Gary, better known as “Gypsy,” who has granted us permission to share his poem with you. We give thanks for his willingness to share, and hope he no longer feels alone. We have been blessed to be part of King’s Harvest ministries to the homeless in our community.
A cup morning coffee I share with no one
I have not a single soul to share a word with
I am homeless and for this atrocity
I am dead and six feet underground to my family
The special lady in my life
I pray to my lord are we still one
Or are we dead as well?
I lost so much during the last year
My heart is broken
Shattered like a mirror
My soul is tainted
Tears roll down my cheeks
As I ponder my fate
Alone or dead.