CONGRATULATIONS to Bethel Wesley which has received a 5 Star Mission Award Certification. To be eligible for this award, a church must pay all its Conference Apportionments, donate to a GBGM missionary, donate to special Sunday Offerings, donate to a UMCOR advance, and donate to an IGRC Advance Special. Pastor Jan will frame and display the certificate. <!–split–>
In other news, Jurisdictional Conference which met in November elected 13 new Bishops. Our Bishop Beard has been appointed to IGRC for 2 more years. IGRC belongs to the North Central Jurisdiction which includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Reorganization in IGRC finds the number of districts reduced from 10 to 5. Our own Spoon River District will be merged with the LaMoine River District whose headquarters will be in Jacksonville. Our new district will be known as the WEST DISTRICT until efforts to consider other names are organized.
Exciting trips are being planned through IGRC. Bishop Beard leads a Holy Land trip Jan.30-Feb.8; Civil Rights trip April 13-21 hosted by Normal First UMC; Philippines Mission trip in May being organized by Bethel Wesley; Liberia Mission Journey July 2-12. Contact IGRC for more information about these exciting adventures.
— Joyce Hein, Lay Member to IGRC Annual Conference