Rev. Janice Patria Javier Serafica
The Rev. Janice Patria Javier Serafica is serving at Bethel Wesley United Methodist Church in Moline.
She is from a family of United Methodist pastors, diaconal minister and deaconesses in the Philippines, and came to the US on March 1, 2021, to be the campus ministry director of Wesley Foundation at Western Illinois University in Macomb.
She earned Bachelor of Science in microbiology at University of the Philippines in Los Banos in 1996. In 1997, she graduated cum laude at Union Theological Seminary, Dasmarinas Cavite; and in 2010 she completed her Master of Arts in education at University of the Philippines-Diliman.
She is appointed as full-time pastor in different United Methodist Churches in the Philippines annual conference since 1997 and worked as the church relations specialist in World Vision Development Foundation from 2009 to 2012, curriculum development specialist of the Baguio Episcopal Area in 2017-2018 and chaplain of Philippine Christian University Dasmarinas Campus in 2018-19.
The Rev. Serafica has authored workbooks and textbooks including “Science, Technology, and Society.” She has also written church-related materials, such as a teacher’s manual for Vacation Bible School.
She is a certified clinical pastoral education counselor and supervisor under the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy.
On a personal advocacy, she is a certified counselor and trainer at Channels of Hope HIV and AIDS Awareness Workshops.
Music Director
Michael Callahan – I have been a church music professional for over 20 years. I received my B.A. from Western Illinois in Applied Music (Voice Performance) and also studied at West Virginia University. I direct LifeBEAT, Inspire Choir, Bethel Wesley Bell Choir and Chancel Choir. I’m also an actor (It’s A Mystery, Genesius Guild, Opera Quad Cities), composer, author, photographer, and playwright (two-time winner in the Quad- City Playwright Festival). I believe choir at Bethel Wesley is first and foremost about the loving community, sharing our love, and giving God heartfelt worship and praise. The people and the sense of community I find at Bethel Wesley have been inspirational to me as an artist and to my life as a Christian.
Amie Callahan – I graduated from Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music and also studied at West Virginia University. I have been playing piano at different churches for over 25 years. I also teach piano privately and serve as accompanist with Davenport Schools, various theater organizations and Hersong. Additionally, I am a La Leche League Leader, gardener, and the go-to fix-it person at home or at our small farm. Bethel Wesley is a place where I enjoy sharing my talents and encouraging others to develop theirs.
Parish Nurse
Kara Ade – I received my BSN in nursing from Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL. Besides serving as the Parish Nurse at Bethel Wesley, I enjoy leading the Youth Group and providing health education for our members. My husband and I are also active in volunteering for United Marriage Encounter. I believe a partnership between the congregation and community health ministries will promote health education and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.
Recently the United Methodist Women recognized Kara’s contributions by presenting her with the Special Mission Recognition award.
Karen Heinzel
Office, Custodial, Nursery Staff
CUSTODIAN – Graciela Aguirre
GROUNDS KEEPER – Bailey Callahan